Our first school this morning was Omar D. Blair Charter School. Since the school is big and the teachers were keen to have all of the children take part, we did two programmes, starting with the Elementary school. Elementary Principal, Kristen Lee, introduced the team.

Our second, and final, school of the day was Monarch Montessori. As you can see, we got a special welcome! You can also see that Adhiratha is very tall!

Some of the children read out poems they had written especially for our visit. The poetry was so beautiful!

This poem reads:
"Peace is like a turtle dove.
Peace can fly to your heart. That can show you love, peace, kindness in your heart that stays there forever. You dream of love and peace but its in your life, already in your life. Be loving, kind, peaceful of love."

Pictured with Cathy is Elena Rina, who was our final Colorado recipient of the Al Oerter Outstanding Student Award.

A big thank you to the teachers for encouraging the students to find their own ways to express what peace means to them.

Much gratitude to Monarch Montessori and all the thousands of children and grown ups who so enthusiastically made our 2015 Colorado Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run a wonderful celebration and unification of true peace lovers.
There shall come a time
When all children of the world
Will enjoy one thing:
-Sri Chinmoy