The boys team made an early start to complete the run in from Cuballing to Narrogin and executed this via a "parachute drop" where 3 runners are dropped out and running simultaneously on different sections of the road.

In Narrogin we met at the park opposite the Shire Chambers with representatives from both the Town Council and the Shire Council. Town Mayor Leigh Ballard ...

... held the torch together, showing their oneness prior to the amalgamation of the 2 councils next year. We also had the respective CEO's, Geoff McKeown and Aaron Cook, town council, holding the torch together.

After speeches and singing we gathered around the 'Christmas tree', which is the focal point for all Christmas activities and holds 3 km of Christmas lights.

This much-loved tree was dedicated as a Peace Tree. The plaque is going to be fastened securely to ensure it's longevity!
Carolyn, Susan and others did a marvellous job of catering and coordinating all the participants. Thanks for a memorable visit to Narrogin.

This was our first school for this year's Peace Run and we enjoyed offering our presentation to the students.

... we followed the students outside to the Stephanie Alexander Garden where the year six boys under the supervision of teacher Sean, dug a hole and planted the beautiful olive tree dedicated as a Peace Tree.

At Katanning Primary School we met all the year 4 and 5 students in the library which enabled the Peace Run video to be shown. The students were tested on their geography and passed with flying colours.

... and then all assembled for the group photos. It was time for the students to go home but we had one more engagement at the Town Square ...

Following our singing and presentation we all did a ceremonial walk up the town led by Alan who passed the torch to Julian for the return walk. We learned that Katanning has over 40 nationalities in this relatively small town, many attracted because of how welcoming the community has been to earlier migrants.

Many thanks to Amy (pictured) and Ziagul, who coordinated everything beautifully, especially the repast of sandwiches and fruit provided for the runners.

Our boys team were generously provided accommodation at Royal Exchange Hotel and managed to only get one photo of Donna who said she did not do it for the publicity.

Meanwhile, our girls team were thrilled to stay at Kobeelya Conference Centre.