Bayarkhuu (Mongolia) got into stride very quickly. He has been one of our main runners, covering over 20km per day.

This area gets it name from the huge Kari and Tingle trees which have been protected here from logging.

The ‘Tree Walk’ is a huge cat-walk structure that spans 450 metres in length and reaches a height of 50 metres.

We were greeted by the Assistant Business Manager, Daniel Webb, and staff members Charmaine and Julie.

Daniel has been working at the facility since the year 2000 and has met thousands of tourists coming to view these natural wonders.

While waiting for the girls team to arrive from their running stint, we took the opportunity to present Daniel with an Appreciation Certificate, have a few photos with the staff and do a quick traverse of the walk.

Later when the girls team arrived we were treated to a sumptuous morning tea carefully prepared to be healthy and appetising.

Before we departed, the team presented Daniel with the Peace Run Torch-Bearer Award for his dedicated work with the community at the Tree Top Walk and through his favourite passtime project the “Black Dog Ride” which raises funds to help people with depression.

Arriving in Walpole brought back memories of the 2013 Peace Run when we also stopped off at Pioneer Park at the Peace Plaque.

Councillor David then spoke about the contribution Mike Filby has made to the Shire of Manjimup, the cleaning of over 100km of road side rubbish. He does this every fortnight! He helps David with many projects around town, particularly the park which they have been continuously improving. Mike was very humble in receiving his Torch-Bearer award, naming all the people present as playing as big a part as himself.

Following the formalities we went over to the shelter and found an incredible array of food waiting for us.

We found ourselves chatting and eating with this lovely community for an hour but had more miles to run.

They cheered off the departing runner as we set off for the afternoon's run to the Northcliffe turn-off.

The tall trees were lining the road as we made our way through the undulating countryside towards the west.

Our girls team are staying tonight at Jenny's Lake Farmstay ...

After completing our mileage, our boys team drove back to Walpole Wilderness Resort, owned by Rhonda who also sponsored the Peace Run team in 2013.