Meanwhile, the boys team departed early from Walpole and drove to Northcliff, then on to Pemberton, a distance of aprox, 100 km.

Amazingly light traffic sharing the whole way with only three other cars – perhaps they were all going to Church shortly?

There was lovely early morning scenic running through narrow forest lined roads seeing the occasional herd of emu, goats and cattle ...

Some person or persons have added ribbons to a great many trees along the entire way, perhaps a local and colourful custom.

Onward to Pemberton and an opportunity to scale the Gloucester Tree, some 72 metres high, with an old forest fire warning viewing platform at the very top that seemed like 100 metres up.

Only 20 percent of visitors climb to the top of the tree: most make it only part of the way before turning back.

Ranger Judy was our kind host. Thanks to the WA Department of Parks and Wildlife for welcoming the Peace Torch to the Gloucester Tree!

Onward to run through to Bridgetown, keeping the Torch alight when we could. Wet, though not too cold.

With the sun out once we finished running, we gathered in Bridgetown. Tonight the whole team is overnighting at the 102 year old Exchange Hotel in Greenbushes.