The smiling children gave us energy to keep going for the rest of the day but not before a Peace Tree plaque was handed over to be installed at a later date to reinforce the Peace Run message.

... looked very much in sync as they performed the World Harmony Run song movements in time and together ...

Two torches were bought out to cater for the huge population of students, diverse as the world we live in.

Principal Graeme Edwards looked fit enough to join the team, and apart from a sore knee, he may have done just that.

Their new tree near the basketball court was dedicated a peace tree with the senior students in attendance before our main ceremony.

The final ceremony for the day was a delightful meeting at Martin Park in the City of Armadale with the Mayor of Armadale, Cr Henry Zenoles, Cr Guenter Best and Paul Lanterneir, the Manager of Parks Services at Martin Park.

... the Mayor dedicated one of the beautiful trees in park as a ‘Peace Tree’ with a plaque with the aphorism by Sri Chinmoy which reads: “Silence is the seed. Peace is the tree.”