Only after we had finalised our programme for this year's Peace Run in Southern Africa, did we discover that Swaziland's National Grade 7 examinations would be taking place on the same days we had planned to visit schools in Mbabane and Manzini. Because of this, Sifundzani Primary School in Mbabane asked whether we could reschedule our planned visit to their school for the previous Friday, 30th October. For this reason, three members of our team, Abhijatri, Shree and Danny, volunteered to travel down to Swaziland from Johannesburg a few days earlier than planned. The rest of the day was spent finalising arrangements for our main visit to Mbabane and Manzini the following Monday and Tuesday. This report covers our visit to Sifundzani Primary School.
The day dawned clear and bright and as we made our way from our overnight stop in Carolina, we were greated with a spectacular display as light from the rising sun danced across the clouds and illuminated the green valleys and hills with an ethereal glow.
We arrived at Oshoek border early only to find that it would only be open at 7:00 am and we were expected at Sifundzani, some 22km beyond the border, at 7:30 am.

After some jostling at the border, we were soon on our way and arrived only a few minutes late at 7:35 am. We were greeted warmly by Mrs Sibongile Dlamini, Deputy Principal, who had arranged our visit and were taken through to the school hall where we were announced to the assembled students as "a special treat prior to the examinations".

The children were extremely receptive and we had not trouble finding volunteers to hold the banner. They also had no trouble deciphering our clues and had very quickly guessed where our three team members came from.

As with all of the schools we have visited so far, the children loved learning the actions for the World Harmony Run song and also sang along with us very enthusiastically.