This morning we met with Malta's Deputy Prime Minister Louis Grech who also happens to be the father of our dear friend and Peace Run Ambassador for Malta, Xandru Grech. Hon Chris Agius, Parliamentary Secretary for Research, Innovation, Youth and Sport, can be seen smiling in the background with Dr. Agraha on the far right.

The Deputy Prime Minister's office is located in Augberge D'aragon an exquisite building constructed in 1571 and home to the Knights of St. John who came from Aragon.

The Deputy Prime Minister's office greatly honoured us by literally putting out the red carpet for us.

A staff member from the Deputy Prime Minister's office graciously welcomed us and opened the proceedings.

Dr. Agraha spoke about all our activities and the long standing relationship between Malta and the Sri Chinmoy Centres.

HE Davidson Hepburn, President of the 35th General Conference of UNESCO and Ambassador of the Bahamas to the United Nations, shared about Sri Chinmoy and his decades of service for world-peace at the UN and internationally.

Our choir performed the song Sri Chinmoy had composed for Malta. The words are:
"Malta, O Superpowers’ fondness-nest,
You bring to the fore every nation’s very best.
In you, the world faiths have found their oneness-choice;
In a smallness-body, earth-illumination-voice."

Hon. Chris Agius, Parliamentary Secretary for Research, Innovation, Youth and Sport spoke about our visit over the last 10 days, our recent meetings the President and the Speaker of the House as well as remembering his experiences meeting with Sri Chinmoy in 1998.

Devashishu Torpy (far left) Director of Peace Run Europe introduced a video showing our experiences with the Peace Run from around the world.

Marc Voelckner, Director of Peace Run Malta, shared our experiences in Malta with the Peace Run since 2001.

Xandru Grech, presented an inspired talk about the importance of oneness and that each of us has a crucial role to play in our collective journey to world peace.

Sal Wilson, Executive Director of the Peace Run, spoke about the Deputy Prime Minister's service to his nation both in the private and public sector. Hon Louis Grech was intrumental in establishing Air Malta and served in capacities of General Manager and later as Chief Executive Officer. He went onto serve as a Member of the European Parliament for nine years before assuming in his current position as Deputy Prime Minister.

We were honoured to be able to present Hon Louis Grech, Deputy Prime Minister of Malta, with the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run Torch-Bearer Award.

Hon Louis Grech offered his thanks and highlighted how much he valued the Peace Run's spirit of service to the international community.

Xandru Grech (left) holds the torch with his father Hon Louis Grech, Deputy Prime Minister (right) and Hon Chris Agius, Parliamentary Secretary for Research, Innovation, Youth and Sport.

HE Davidson Hepburn, President of the 35th General Conference of UNESCO and Ambassador of the Bahamas to the United Nations and Adhiratha Keefe, long-time staff member at UNICEF and several other UN agencies, stood at the foot of a statue of HE Guido De Marco.
HE Guido De Marco served as President of Malta from 1999 to 2004 and also as President of the 45th Session of the United Nations General Assembly. On 28 September 1991, Sri Chinmoy with the Peace Meditation at the United Nations presented the U Thant Peace Award to the Honourable Professor Guido de Marco, President of the Forty-fifth Session of the United Nations General Assembly, as well as Deputy Prime Minister of Malta and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Justice.