"Man invents war. Man discovers peace. He invents war from without. He discovers peace from within. War man throws. Peace man sows. The smile of war is the flood of human blood. The smile of peace is the love, below, above."-Sri Chinmoy

Student leaders led the Peace Run team into the hall where 350 students of Tenby International Primary and Sri Tenby Primary School were waiting for our arrival.

At last my searching mind has a new name: Emptiness. At last my crying heart has a new name: Selflessness. At last my smiling life has a new name: Oneness. At last my loving heart has a new name: Fulness. -Sri Chinmoy.

Earth’s beauty is in its soulfully smiling hope. Heaven’s beauty is in its peacefully loving promise.
– Sri Chinmoy

Explore new heights, purse new goal! Now your heart is waving victory banners, your mind is blowing victory-bugles, your eye is singing victory-songs. -Sri Chinmoy

As the peace torch goes around the world, we feel the light of peace is being spread to every corner of the globe to ignite the flame of joy, happiness and hope in the heart of humanity.

Each time I soulfully pray, a new world unfolds itself, a new dimension fills me with astonishment and I discover startling truths. -Sri Chinmoy

Our heartfelt gratitude to everyone at Tenby International Schools for having us. May the flame of peace ignite a feeling of glowing happiness in your hearts.