Last night we stayed at the Shri Shaktidarshan Yogashram at Kinnigoli. This place is dedicated to Meditation and activities related to Yoga. It is purely run on voluntany basis.

Here we had the oppotunity to meet Shri Devadas Ji, known as Devababa. Devbaba is the founder leader of this ashram. Devababa talked to us about his earlier meetings with Sri Chinmoy and admired his achievements towards bringing Peace in this world.

Sri Chinmoy (founder of the Peace Run) is a close friend and a great admirer of Devaba. You can spot his picture in this poster.

This ashram is also known to provide shelter to the abandoned cows. It is also known to house a very rare breed of Cows known as 'Kapila'. In Ayurveda (Indian system of medicine) the milk from this cow is known to have theraputic qualities.