Welcome to Portugal! The Peace Run Europe 2016 starts in Porto, an UNESCO World Heritage. We will run 24 000 km over the next 7 months, passing through all of Europe's countries and finishing on October 8th in Rome, Italy.
For the next 7 days we will cross the beautiful landscape of Nothern Portugal...

Due to the rain, the students of Colegio Julio Dinis were split in 2 meetings. That's our first group of kids...

A large crowd and press welcomed the Peace Torch - carried by a sweet little girl from the "Invicta" - Porto, the undefeated city.

Mr. Pinto da Costa and Dr. Antonio Tavares, head of the Santa Casa da Mesericordia do Porto, offered a lofty speech...

"Mr. President" Pinto da Costa states "...the message of peace for the children is very important. I'm very happy that you choose to launch the Run from our museum, it's an honour. The Peace Flame and the Dragon Flame marry perfectly and they have a great symbolic meaning".

Our very good friend and Portuguese para-olympic athlete Jorge Pina receives the torch with great enthusiasm.

Florbela, our Portuguese Peace Run coordinator, presents the FC Porto with the Peace Run Certificate of Appreciation...

...Mr. Jorge Nuno Pinto da Costa was presented with an inspiring book by the founder of the Peace Run, Sri Chinmoy, entitled "Sport and Meditation".

Sukham, one of our team members and an unconditional fan of FC Porto, is proudly showing the Champions League Trophy of 2004, won by "his" team.

FC Porto won many trophies in history. This one is more than 70 years old - marking a historic victory over Arsenal.
Fans collected money for it; it's made of more than 135kg of silver!

The museum is very modern and full of Hi-Tech accessories and interactive displays.
Florbela left a peace message on the screen.

Our smiling police escort did not want to miss the chance to hold the torch as well.
A big thank you to the police of Porto for the great support!