Students at the Girard College Elememtary School in Philadelphia welcome us with their handmade Peace Flags and a song.

Principal Canny Schafer happily holds the torch and accepts our small gifts of gratitude for allowing us to meet with the children and staff.

The children at Philip Kearney Elementary school in Philadelphia share in the actions to one of our sogs, World Harmony Run, written by the Founder of the Peace Run, Sri Chinmoy.

On our lunch break we visited the famous Christ Church which was the church that many Founding Fathers of the U.S. attended such as George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and many others. Our team is seated in George Washington's family pew.

Pictured with the team is Christ Church tour guide, Tish Burns. Tish has welcomed the team with great enthusiasm on many occasions and has a deep and sincere oneness with Sri Chinmoy's vision for the Peace Run. She also has an incredible knowledge of the history of the Church and the significant role it has played in the lives of many great Americans.

The Peace Torch evokes many smiles from the students as they get to offer their wonderful thoughts and goodwill for us to carry on throughout our four month journey.

We also took time to visit Independence Hall, home of the Continental Congress that drafted and ratified the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution.

As we carry the Torch along the road we meet so many nice people who wish to share their kindness and concern.

The womens team was thrilled that we were joined by Sabrina Cusimano, (far right), Director of Programs at Global Education Motivators. She ran 5 miles with us and we were extremely inspired by her enthusiastic oneness with the Peace Run and all the programmes she is coordinating to unite young people from different countries around the world. Also pictured is Wayne Jacob (Director of Global Education Motivators), who drove with us and offered great encouragement and oneness.