We are very grateful to the Doubletree Hotel for their very kind sponsorship of rooms for us to stay in. Their friendly and courteous service was so encouraging to us and the clean and orderly accommodations made our stay a very pleasant one.

Meanwhile another happy duo, Harita and Yasodevi, add on their miles on this lovely morning run towards Baltimore.

Two more happy runners, Akbota and Luana, proudly hold the torch of Peace high as they make their way to our first school ceremony of the day.

WBAL TV News 11 came to cover our events at the Matthew A. Henson Elementary School in Baltimore this morning.

Our team is welcomed by Cameron E. Miles, holding the Torch, and Chandini Bachman, our local coordinator who worked hard on coordinating this event. Mr. Miles was later awarded the Torch Bearer Award for his valuable work with the youth of Baltimore.

Our whole team of 12 runners from 10 different countries was there to make our presentation to this very attentive young audience.

The children loved to participate in our games and activities centered around the theme of peace and friendship.

In this guessing game a large photo is turned around after each correct answer from the audience until they can decipher the word which is slowly revealed on the back of the cards.

Teaching the children our World Harmony Run song written by the Founder of the Peace Run, Sri Chinmoy.

Cameron E. Miles is happy to have received the Torch Bearer Award. He is the Director of Mentoring Male Teens in the Hood and the New Shiloh Family Life Center in Baltimore. For many years he has guided young teens to improve their lives and become responsible and caring citizens of their communities.

After our program the children had an opportunity to carry the peace torch around the auditorium for a few laps.