The Peace Run Team arrive at Monticello, the home of Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States.

Thomas Jefferson was the author of the Declaration of American Independence, the founder of the University of Virginia and also the author of the Statute of Virginia for Religious Freedom. The Declaration of Independence has served as an inspiration to people all over the world ever since; the University of Virginia was the first non-religious University in the world; and the Statute of Virginia for Religious Freedom has served as a foundation for America's tolerance towards all religions.

The Peace Run team running through the grounds, enjoying the feeling of freedom at this sacred place.

The guided tour of the house begins. Our guide, Mr Wilson, happened to also be an enthusiastic runner. He taught us many interesting facts about Thomas Jefferson and Monticello. Jefferson was a fascinating man who was passionate about life. His house was a reflection of his pursuits. He was a mixture of scientist, architect, surveyor, astronomer, horticuturist, musician and geographer, amongst other things, and largely self-taught. Jefferson was an avid reader who collected up to 12,000 books for his incredible library. The house has private spaces that were used by the family and also impressive public areas that were used for entertaining guests. Thanks to the work of the Thomas Jefferson Foundation, the house continues to host visitors like us from all around the world.

Some of the team take a guided tour of the gardens. Thomas Jefferson grew over 200 different varieties of vegetables. The property continues to be an important seed bank for species of vegetables that are becoming rare.