Some of our teams stayed at La Quinta Inn. We are very grateful to them for their friendly service and clean and spacioud rooms which they offered to us for a good night's rest.

We are also grateful for their complimentary room and breakfast and this artistic sculpture of a flaming torch.

Meeting people spontaneously and sharing the torch as we pass through their communities is a very uplifting to both parties.

Mark from the Salisbury Post Newspaper drove over 12 miles to find our team running. Even though we did not pass through his city he felt compelled to cover our story. We are grateful for his kindness and sincere concern for peace and friendship.

Jumping for joy as the weather was perfect and the people were so kind and friendly as we ran towards Charlotte.

Deborah Cress stopped her truck when seeing the runner running through her town of Ulla. She is also a runner and coach of 'Girls on the Run', a nationwide running club which encourages and coaches young and teenage girls to stay fit. She was thrilled to meet us and learn of our efforts to share peace as we run through communities large and small.

At the Moore School we were greeted by lots of happy children and beautiful peace posters they created for us.

The children participated in a guessing game with our team. Letter by letter randomly shown they had to guess this word.

Prakhara, our local coordinator who also attended this school in her youth, presents Principal Amanda Smith with our Certificate of Appreciation and a colorful painting on theme of peace and harmony by the Founder of the Peace Run, Sri Chinmoy.

Samunnati passes the torch to some of the children who ake their own wishes for peace and friendship.

Some of the teachers were also quite happy and excited to offer their wonderful smiles with the torch.

Some or our women runners share the torch with Tamatha Fullerwinder, the Assistant Principal of Moore School.

This helpful gentleman tried to get the women's team car started after they stopped to get gasoline.