We are very grateful to the Marriot Hotel of Columbia for the beautiful and refreshing accommodations they so kindly donated to our women's team.

We are also thankful for Country Hearth Inn & Suites for their contribution of rooms to our men's team.

The early run started with one of the men's teams carrying the torch towards Swansea where we would meet with a large group of young children.

Smiley faces and real smiling faces were so encouraging as we entered the large and spacious Sandhills Primary School.

Hundreds of children lined the hallways to greet us with high fives, smiles and artwork they created for peace.

Arpan talks to the children as more children keep filing into the gymnasium until over 500 filled the hall.

Samunnati and Yashodevi from Ukraine address the sea of children and sing a song in their native language.

After helping us with our songs, the teachers ran a couple of laps around the large gymasium to the delight of the children.

This employee at the school was thriled to run the whole length of the hallway with the torch as Arpan accompanies her on the harmonica.

This young girl and her grandmother joined us for some photos as the runners passed by her fruit and vegetable stand.

We stopped at a boiled peanut vendor on the side of the road where Betsy, Ken, Cecil and Chad greeted us. Cecil remembers two years ago when one of our women runners stopped by with the torch and they took photos.

They met up with this friendly woman who remembers our Peace Runners coming by in the same place and she happened to greet them then as well.