At the start of the race Phaedra had the announcer explain about the Peace Run and our team of runners.

This whole family came to the race and were excited about the Peace Run. Shane, on the right, won his age category. He wants to run a race in every state eventually.

After finishing first in his age category in the 5K race Arpan is back on the road as the sun gets hotter and hotter. It went into the 90's today, about 35C.

Phaedra, our local coordinator in Georgia, carries the torch a few miles. We are grateful to her for all of her enthusiastic work in arranging the events for these two days.

Huge oak trees covered with Spanish moss decorated parts of our run today and gave us much needed shade.

Later we were joined by Councilman Augustus Bubba Skeen who put in a few good miles with Chief Trexler.

Many locals and town officials came to the United Methodist Church in the center of town to greet us.

Other officials dined with us as well. Councilman Griffin Lotson joined us along with Councilman Skeen who ran with the torch earlier.

We are so happy that these young people came to offer their selfless service and meet with the Peace Run as well.

City Manager Archie Davis also deserves our appreciation and gratitude for helping to organize this event for us

County Commissioner Charles Jordan holds the torch. He was very supportive of our efforts as well. He also used to live in Queens, NYC, where our Peace Run headquarters is and where some of us currently live.

We are very grateful to Pastor Huling who was very kind in allowing us to use the United Methodist Church for this wonderful function and meal.

We are extremely happy and grateful to all those who prepared all the great food and treats in Darien for us today.