The womens running team stayed at the Doubletree by Hilton Hotel at Jacksonville Airport. The staff there were extremely friendly and helpful. A Certificate of Appreciation was presented and we thank the Hotel for their wonderful service.

The mens running team started the day by offering their heartfelt gratitude to everyone at the beautiful Indigo Hotel. The kindness, support and encouragement of the hotel staff was much appreciated.

Today was a day filled with more Peace Run ceremonies than running. The first ceremony was at Palm Coast City Hall where the team was warmly greeted by Mayor Jon Netts. Mayor Netts proclaimed the day "Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run Day" in honour of the Run.

Posing for a photo with the Peace Run torch. The team are seen wearing sunglasses and holding iced waters thoughtfully provided by the Mayor.

The second ceremony of the day was with Daytona Beach City Commissioner Ruth Trager. Commissioner Trager thanked the team for stopping at Daytona Beach and in honour of the Peace Run passing through the city, also kindly proclaimed the day "Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run Day".

At 1pm the team arrived at Longwood City Hall to be greeted by Mayor Joe Durso. Mayor Durso was extremely enthusiastic about the Peace Run. He also kindly proclaimed the day "Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run Day". It was a great honour for the team to receive three Proclamations of this kind in one day.

An outdoor photo. The group is joined by Jon Williams, City Manager, who is shown here holding the Longwood City Proclamation.

Jennifer Spath from Community Based Care also held the Torch. The team enjoyed hearing about Jennifer's experiences running her first half marathon earlier this year.

Michelle Longo, City Clerk at Longwood, holds the torch with Shantiva, the local Peace Run coordinator.

The team cooled off with a quick dip at Blue Springs State Park. For some of us it was the most beautiful spring that we had ever been to.

There were multitudes of interesting looking fish at the Springs that could easily be seen from the boardwalk area, although they are hard to see in this photo.

The final two ceremonies for the day were at the Sanford Boys and Girls Club at the Westside Community Centre. Mr Andre Thomas, Community Relations and Neighborhood Engagement Director, also representing the Mayor's Office, graciously greeted the Peace Run Team and older Boys and Girls Club members.

The Peace Run team then met with younger members of the Boys and Girls Club in the gymnasium. From clues given by the team, the children enthusiastically identified the countries of origin of all of the team members.

The Peace Run team took time in the afternoon to visit the Sri Chinmoy Peace Tree that had been planted at Lake Monroe in 2013.