We started the morning with a wonderful breakfast at a restaurant called 'Consciousness-Blossoms', owned by our good friend and local coordinator for the Peace Run, Tilvila. Natabara(foreground) happily joins the men's team today. It is a day off from running for us today with lots of meetings and ceremonies ahead.

We also welcomed to our women's team Saranyu(left) from Australia, Zuzana from Czech Republic, and Cathy Oerter from Fort Myers, Florida, who is joining us for the day.

Sarankhuu from Monglolia enjoys a little diversion from running while we wait for our entrance to our first school ceremony.

At the Palm Harbor Montessori School we offered our program to the children who were very enthusiastic.

Two Australian women peace runners, Saranyu and Tavishi, offer some clues to the children who have to guess where they are from.

Prakhara, our public relations coordinator, offers a special painting of the Founder of the Peace run, Sri Chinmoy, to Sheryl Chelena who worked very hard to coordinate this event.

On the way to our next school ceremony we visited Hamid Salahutdin, a good friend of ours who lives on Sri Chinmoy Street, named after the Founder of the Peace Run, Sri Chinmoy.

Hamid receives a reproduction of a colorful painting by Sri Chinmoy, called 'Universal Brotherhood'.

Kelly Pratt, Assistant Principal of the Learning Gate Community School, leads us with the Peace Torch to the large enthusiastic crowd of about 400 children eagerly awaiting our arrival.

This smart young man figured our how many seconds we are taking to run for peace as we make our way around North America.

Poems and songs were very creative and inspiring as the children thrilled us with their talents and peaceful spirit.

Tilvila, our dynamic and self-giving Tampa coordinator, offers our Certificate of Appreciation to Learning Gate Principal Michelle Mason. We are so grateful to her and her staff for such an incredible and inspiring program.

This young man Gerlad, received the Torch Bearer Award for his exemplary service and behavior at school.

Assistant Principal Kelly Pratt, Principal Michelle Mason, and Events Coordinator Michelle Northrup display some of the offerings from our Peace Run team. We are very grateful to these three women, their staff and all the children for such an amazing event at their school today.

The Motto of Leaning Gate is 'Nature Is Our Best Teacher'. Their Mission statement is "To promote academic excellence, community service and environmental responsibility through family and community parternships".

Our final activity iwas a mini-peace run around the school grounds. Natabara leads this large group of peace runners this morning.

The route took them through a scenic nature path which fits into their curriculum based on nature and the environment.

The children then had a chance to hold the torch and offer some good thoughts and wishes for a more peaceful world.

The Learning Gate Community School higher grades offered us another program on a separate campus nearby.

Various groups of children demonstrated their creative talents by making colorful and innovative peace torches.

Cathy Oerter offers the Al Oerter Award to this young woman for her special talents and exemplary behavior.

We are very grateful to Principal Adam Wolford for organizing and inspiring the children and teachers to take part in this peace event in very creative ways.

Many of the teachers happily pose with our Peace Torch. They did a great job inspiring the students to express such creative and imaginative projects on the theme of peace and the environment.

One of the teachers, Suze Meredith, with our women's team. Suze works very hard with the children to educate them on the environment and inspire them to respect and take care of our natural surroundings.

Prakhara offers the Peace Torch to Gigi who helped to coordinate this event. We are grateful to her and to the Director, Laura Stephens, who unfortunately was out of town today.

Tilvila(right) offers a Certificate of Appreciation to Executive Director of the Mattie Williams Center and City Commissioner Janet Hooper. Commisioner Hooper presented a Proclamation for the Peace Run from Mayor Andy Steingold declaring 02 May as Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run day in the city of Safety Harbor.

At Tilvila's bookstore we discovered this handmade, colorful sign with a little advice from Sri Chinmoy for those advancing in years.

Tilivila, our local coordinator who worked very hard for our events here and also fed us quite sumptuously for two days, holds the torch with her helper and employee, our good friend Savadhan. We are grateful to both of them for their selflessness and concern for our whole stay here in the Tampa Bay area. We also offer our gratitude to Sweet Tomatoes Restaurant in Palm Harbor, Cesarina Italian Deli in Largo and Courtyard Marriott Hotel in Oldsmar for their contributions to the Peace Run.