The mens team started running at 7am today from Lake Providence. This photo shows Arpan from New York.

At 9am a Peace Run ceremony was held at the GC Johns Elementary School in Eudora. The Principal, Mr James Maiden, graciously welcomed the team.

After the introductions, children at the school were invited to play a guessing game. If they correctly guessed the countries of all of the team members, then the team would sing them a song. Otherwise the children would have to sing the Peace Run team a song.

The school was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation as well as artwork by Peace Run founder Sri Chinmoy.

Jonathon Salter, fellow traveller, was particularly happy to have bumped into the Peace Run team and held the Peace Torch.

At lunch time the team was met by the Mayor of Greenville, Mr Errick Simmons, seen here running enthusiastically with the Peace Torch.

In front of City Hall, Mayor Simmons formally welcomed the team. He spoke about the non-discrimination initiatives that have come out of Greenville and went on to talk about the Peace Run. "It's amazing what this Run symbolizes to the world", he said. "You have people in your team from Hungary and Australia and Czech Repulic and so many other countries. When you look at a map of the world you see boundaries. What this Run is doing is eliminating, evaporating those boundaries. It's fantastic!".
The team thanked the Mayor for his kind words and presented him with a Certificate of Appreciation as well as artwork by Sri Chinmoy.

Nikki Landrum, the Mayor's Assistant, (left) and Laterrica Johnson (right), local firefighter, pose for a photo.