We are very grateful to the Hyatt Place in Memphis for offering two rooms for the women's team. THe hotel was clean and spacious and the service was friendly.

The children finally figured out the word which started with a jumble of letters eventually spelling the word HARMONY.

We sang some songs for them as well including the World Harmony Run song with the actions for the words.

Maria Cole, the Director and Founder of this wonderful school, accepts a Certificate of Appreciation and a painting by Sri Chinmoy, Founder of the Peace Run.

In return we offered to Maria and her wonderful school here in Memphis one of the custom-made torches we received in Tampa from some students there.

Our friends from the Imagine Cafe in Memphis. We are extremely grateful to them for their kind offering of delicious lunches for our whole team today.

Only four of us could be there on this busy day to offer the enthusiastic group of children our song and presentation.

Even at this age the children love to do the actions to our World Harmony Run song composed by Sri Chinmoy, Founder of the Peace Run.

James Barbee, one of the school counselors, accepts our gratitude for helping to organize this event.

We are grateful to Amanda from the local newspaper, Lauderdale Enterprise, who came out to cover the story and even shared the torch with us.

It was the right way as we met up with Robby Tidwell and Kristin Sallee along with a police escort through Covington.

We are so grateful to Karen Griffin, Parks and Recreation Director, and Mayor Justin Hanson for helping to make this event happen today.

Theresa Bonds-Howard, the main secretary here at the Mayor's office, was so happy to share the torch. She even offered us a soulful blessing as she held the torch.

It was a great day outside with the children as they enthusiastically participated with our women's team.

Will Bird, Assistant Principal, Lenita Clark, Principal, and Bart Williams, Counselor at the Dyersburg Intermediate School share the torch. We are very grateful to them for their enthusiastic support of the Peace Run.

Mayor Pavletic has kindly welcomed us to his wonderful city many times and has always carried the torch with us around the central square.

Lewis, James and Jerry enjoy passing the torch as they watch us run with their mayor, who used to be the Principal of the school they attended in the past.

It was a nice way to end a long day and we are grateful to the City of Ripley for being so welcoming to us.

For dinner we were offered a free buffet from this wonderful restaurant called 'Shogun' in Dyersburg.