As you approach St. Louis you cannot miss this huge and beautiful arch located on the banks of the Mississippi River, called 'The Gateway to the West', dedicated to Thomas Jefferson's vision of westarward expansion. It is the tallest manmade National Monument in the U.S. and houses a Museum below.

Nayana Hein from New York City organized the events of the day for our team. She grew up in St. Louis and still maintains a good connection here with some of the people we were able to visit today.

In the school we were able to share the torch with some of the employees before the start of our pprogram.

We all introduced ourselves by having the students guess which countries we were from, with appropriate clues of course.

Principal Thomas Cason, holding the Torch, and Vice Principal Chan Tam Trinh, receive some gifts of our appreciation. This colorful painting is by Sri Chinmoy, Founder of the Peace Run.

Principal Cason and Vice Principal Trinh with some of our team members on the steps Soldan High School. This remarkable magnet school offers some very special programs for students with a focus on international realtions.

Nayana Hein, our local coordinator for St. Louis, offers Swami Chetanananda some books written by Sri Chinmoy, Founder of the Peace Run.

Here he is proudly wearing a winter jacket given to him by Ranjana in New York last November when he came for a visit and it was quite cold outside.

We are so grateful to Swami Chetanananda and his staff for their wonderful hospitality. They kindly spent a couple of hours with us, feeding us both outwardly and inwardly.

Presenting our Certificate of Appreciation was a real joy although I do not think we could have given enough gratitude to him for all of his time, sweetness and kindness.

Later, in Universal City we had some free time and met some interested people along the way who wanted to share the torch and feelings of peace with us.

One large room housed the World's Largest Pencil. This was created 9 years ago to celebrate Sri Chinmoy's 76th birthday and then was donated to the museum soon thereafter.

We were so happy to be able to visit our friends at Circus Harmony at the City Museum. They have hosted us many times during their performances here. Jessica Hentoff, Founder and teacher at Circus Harmony, holds the torch with her daughter Eliana, performer and teacher here as well.

Chetana Hein and Nayana Hein present Jessica Hentoff(center) of Circus Harmony with our Certificate of Appreciation for welcoming us today.

A very skilled and innovative way to hold the torch by one of the young performers here. Unfortunately our schedule today would not allow us to see the actual show which was scheduled for later in the day.

The original whale sculpture which was designed in the earliest days of this vast and remarkable museum.

Scott Bonner, Director of the Ferguson Public Library receives the Peace Run Torch-Bearer Award and holds the torch with us. He was instrumental in turning this small public library into a refuge for families who were affected last year by the civil unrest and protests taking place at the nearby Ferguson Police Station. It was awarded library of the year for its role in serving as a refuge for people in the community.

Nayana presents the Certificate of Appreciation to Amy who accepts it gladly on behalf of the Ferguson Library where she works with the children.

A colorful painting called 'Love the Children' by Sri Chinmoy is presented to the Ferguson Library as well.

Delores Haddox, a longtime friend of Nayana and her family, offers her sweet smiles and kind words for the Peace Run. She was honored for her extraordinary self-giving to her family, friends and community.

A local man, Steve, was inspired to share the torch when he saw us at the library. It inspires us tremendously when people stop to find out what we are doing and share their own feelings and thoughts about peace.

We are very grateful to Nayana for all the work she has done for today's events and for the delicious Italian meal she treated us to at Pietro's in St. Louis.

In gratitude offer Nayana an ornate frog cut-out custom-made by Salil, our Executive Director. This is her favorite animal.

We are very grateful to Chetana, right, who treated us to this delicious ice cream this evening. She traveled with Nayana all the way from New York to be with us today and help organize today's events, feeding us as well.

Gary Townsend, a former 4:02 miler, was thrilled to meet us here as he was getting some ice cream at Ted Drewe's as well.

Another wonderful surprise at Ted Drewe's parking lot was when our longtime friend, Doug Kaufman, who has run with us through the St. Louis area many times in past Peace Runs, showed up with his truty dog to meet us and offer his goodwill and kind words.

Doug brought with him two Peace Run t-shirts which runners from the 1997 and 1999 Peace runs had signed for him.

We gave Doug a new shirt and we all signed it as well, hoping to see it again in future Peace Runs when Doug visits or runs with us in the St. Louis area.