Today – our final day in Marshall Islands – was the school visiting day. Majuro has 18 schools, 7 of these are public. Here's our packed scheduled:
0830 – we are to be collected by Ministry of Internal Affairs
0930 – Long Island Elementary School
1015 – Rairok Elementary School
1100 – Delap Elementary School
Break for lunch – provided by the Ministry
1300 – Uliga Elementary School
1345 – Majuro Middle School
1830 – Dinner with the Minister

The students enthusiastically joined in the World-Harmony-Run Song and did well at guessing our countries.

Thank you to Rairok Elementary School!
Each time we drove to the next school, the sparkling Pacific greeted us from either side of the Atoll. The beauty here silences + humbles the mind and fills the heart to bursting. Rose and Cheryl were our selfless drivers throughout the day.

The 6th grade kids from Delap Elementary met us outside with teacher Neliyn Verun and Principal Loretta Case.

We were treated by the Ministry of Internal Affairs to lunch at the Wellness Centre – an accessible vegetarian café next to the hospital.

The gardener, Kenieab Lang, who trained in Taiwan, maintains a huge range of plants in difficult weather conditions and unyielding soil. The king tides sweep over the Islands twice a year drenching everything in sea water which makes growing their own fruit and vegetables a real challenge.

Our friend Jibli is involved in a new hydroponics pilot scheme which will hopefully be successful. The erosion from climate change is very sadly visible, with a high tide sometimes coming only half a metre below the land level – a sober reminder to contribute in whichever way we can to reverse the global warming. How tragic it would be to lose this paradise.

We visited the 7th grade class where the children sang a spontaneous appreciation song to us, in the Island tradition of harmonies. They were leagues above our Peace Run rendition!

... and Maroy Senight, the vice-leader, gave a touching thank-you speech.
Afterwards Rose took us to a tucked away enterprise where local women make plates, hair ornaments, jewellery and baskets from intricately woven coconut fibre, also weaving in some of the beautiful shells of the Island. Unique and full of the spirit of the Islanders.

The kindness and generosity that was already embracing us continued well into the evening. We were invited for dinner by the Minister, Amentha Matthew. Molly, Jibli and Cheryl also joined and Molly’s mother Malvina, who presented all the Peace Runners with embroidered gifts that she had made herself. She said Grace before we started our delicious dinner. It was wonderful to be able to learn more about the Marshall Islands and have a deeper understanding of this beautiful country. It was a perfect wrap up after our beautiful time in Marshall Islands and we all agreed that when we come back next time, we would expand our activities even more.

The Minister of Internal Affairs and Acting Secretary of Internal Affairs with Stacey Marsh, Peace Run coordinator for Marshall Islands.