Lots of schools on the programme today! at 0830 we were met by Government Officials, Destry and Mr. Arwelson, to be lead to school visits all the way around Pohnpei:
1. Saladak Elementary School
2. Sapwalap Elembery School
3. Nanpei Memorial Elementary and Nanpei Memorial High School
4. Sekere Elementary School
(We may actually need to come back to some parts of the route to run it with the Torch… Stay tuned!)

Each new school was like a new jewel offered to the Peace Run. All so unique and different, but you could really feel that each student who was there really understood the meaning and purpose of the Peace Run.

It was hard for us to stop the silence felt when we all did the moment of silence and all tried in our own way to feel the Peace and oneness inside our hearts.

The students were also very disciplined while running with the Peace Torch around their school field.

In return, we received fresh coconuts (our first today) and savoured the coconut water to the last drop.

It was an excursion day at the Sapwalap Elementary School and most of the students were out, so our presentation had more of a family/community feeling in it.

The smaller number of kids in school today gave us a possibility to play a “passport game” with the kids.

... while running through various stations representing each continent in their school field. Here they are running to "Europe." They seemed to enjoy it.

At this school of 800 you saw the students descending on us and sitting around in all areas of the school. One teacher said: “You better get ready – they are excited about the Peace Run coming!”

Here we are trying to figure out how to best speak to 800 students who were currently surrounding us ...

... but fortunately there was a way for us to be seen and heard during our presentation. The balcony proved to be the best place for us.

Evaleen and Calvin Charley were brave enough to come up to the balcony and hold the banner for us.
Here the team is welcomed to Nanpei Memorial Elementary and High School by Vice Principal, Stevenson Frederick.

Given the unexpected and immediate thunderous applause after having started the Peace Run song, we felt like we were singing a hit from the charts.

The Principals of Nanpei Memorial Elementary and High School – Arthur Hebel and Centry Paul – receiving the Certificates of Appreciation.

A huge thanks for more gifts that we received: we tasted them on our journey back home, they were delicious! The Elementary School kindly offered gifts of coconuts and mangos for the team ...

We instantaneously felt at ease in this very welcoming environment and because of such a big receptivity we stayed longer than planned.

The wonderfully enthusiastic Principal, Loriano Martin, receiving the Certificate of Appreciation. He also helped with the translation where needed and helped us to direct the kids for the run with the Peace Torch.

Joanna Williams sang a very beautiful song for the Peace Run with two students doing actions to it, which warmed our hearts.

The students took the opportunity of making their wish while holding the Peace Torch quite conscientiously and gave it a deep thought.

We promised to carry all those unconditional wishes for world peace and harmony with us to the next country, continent and then around the world.

At this, our final school of the day, we realised it was the first school we ran past during our Peace Run the day before. Some of the students remembered us running through yesterday, which was nice to know.

The abundant generosity from all the schools from today! We will be trying our hardest to eat every last one.