Santa Fe Hilton by the Plaza was kind enough to provide accommodations to our entire team. We really enjoyed our stay at this beautiful hotel. Tonya was our kind host and we learned that the Hilton in Santa Fe is on the register of historic hotels, one of 35 throughout all of the US.

Our host Sunamita gave us a personal tour of Santa Fe including the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi.

The womens team was first to run on our way out of Santa Fe today. Oliveria from Mexico enjoys her first miles on her Birthday.

We were surrounded by breathtaking views of New Mexico's natural beauty including lakes, cliffs and amazing colorscapes.

Rupasi's first day out running, grateful to be back on the road with the team carrying the Peace Torch.

Harita joins the team after a short time away, we are happy to have her back. Her enthusiasm and leadership always set a great example.

The team is joined by the Sri Chimnoy Marathon Team director Bipin. Welcome to this seasoned runner.

A highlight of the day was visiting the Echo Amphitheater as we neared our accommodations for the night in Chama.

Che Johnston, owner of the High Country Restaurant kindly offered meals and exceptional goodwill and kindness to us. Sadly he left before we took the picture, but we sang the Peace Run song to his family and staff. Thank you again Che and all your staff, family and friends. You are an excellent example of American hospitality and friendship.