The morning began with us offering our gratitude to the Quality Inn at Durango for so generously accommodating the womens team.

The team met with Mancos City Manager Ms. Andrea Phillips, as well as other city representatives, first thing in the morning.

The running route today consisted of breathtaking landscapes. The mens team covered the route before Mesa Verde.

Dave Sice holds the Peace Torch in this photo. Dave is a talented wood artist near Mesa Verde who is able to carve wood using a chainsaw.

We also visited beautiful Mesa Verde National Park. The Park features important and unique archeological remains of Pueblo people who lived in the cliffs between 500 and 1200AD.

Laurel Westendorp and Kialey Day, Park Rangers, shared their love and knowledge of the Mesa Verde National Park and held the Peace Torch

Megan Dechen and Matt Wesley held the torch near the Mesa Verde Museum carpark. Megan and Matt are on a bike tour from New Hampshire to Los Angeles.

Mesa Verde volunteers Mary McKean and Cindy Hielscher told us that they saw our runners earlier in the day on the road from Cortez.

Rhonda Knight, from Brisbane, Australia, posed for a photo with our Australian Peace runners Tavishi and Saranyu.