Kana from Japan teaches the children the actions to our theme song which everyone enthusiastically enjoyed.

Bellevue Peace run Coordinator Shelley accompanies the children and Hridayinee with the Peace Torch as we all run out to become Peace RUNNERS!

The Team members went off to Tauranga City Council for a meeting with the Mayor. Here is Daniel with the Mayor's PA: Maree King who was very kind to our Team and it's mission for Peace.

Mayor Stuart Crosby of Tauranga Council received the team with light refreshments in the early afternoon. Thanks so much for getting to know some of our runners and the history of the Peace Run which is now in it's 29th year.

We've just run into Fairhaven School and are awaiting the final classes of children to enter the assembly hall. 420 eager faces await our entry!

Kurt of Blokart Recreation Park with The Peace Run certificate of appreciation for kindly offering the team a go on their super-fast blokarts.