Thank you to the Vernon Sandman Hotel and Suites where we were kindly offered discounted rooms. We enjoyed our stay!

Brahmata's Aunt Rae, who is a Vernon local, came out to hold the torch and make her wish for world peace.

Some of our team members met with The Vernon Pacers, who were having coffee after their early morning run.

Our ceremony was held in a nice gazebo, we began with a few words about the philosophy of the Peace Run. Mainly that each and every individual has a role to play in bringing about peace on earth. As we cultivate peace and harmony in our own hearts and our own lives, we are able to share it with those around us and it spreads into our communities, our countries and the world at large.

Avis Overby, President of the Legion, read out a peace proclamation and told us a little bit about the work that the Royal Canadian Legion is involved in.

We were very happy to have our new friends Joseph and Owen from Malakwa run with us for a little while.

Even with all of the interesting sculptures, "The Goat Walk" is the main attraction at the Log Cabin.