It was a cool and fresh start in the morning as the team commenced running from last night's accommodation at Auberge de Jeunesse de Champlon. It was ideal running conditions as we ran through the forest.

Today the team was to experience and meet people who have been displced by war, conflicts and repression in their own countries. Our first meeting of the day was at a refugee Centre d'accueil Couleurs du monde in Rendeux.

The passing of the Peace Run torch felt even more significant to these people as they had fled their home countries in search for a more peaceful and harmonious life.

The second visit of the day was the refugee camp in Hotton where the children avidly awaited us with balloons and wonderful smiles.

The children presented us with paper flowers to lay on the ground where a peace bird had been drawn.

This young girl with such a sweet smile was so grateful that one of the runners presented it to her.

Thank you so much for all the people at Hotton refugee camp that made the visit so special and memorable. We will always treasure your smiles, your kindess and generosity of spirit. Despite the adversities these people have endured the overwhelming feel we got from them was one of hope for a better future here in Belgium.
Also a huge thank you for the Syrian sweets made especially for us by one Libyan lady. We could taste they had been made with so much love. They were so delicious and fuelled our running all the way to Liege.