We are grateful to the Foam Lake Campground and those who offered us a great campsite for last night's peaceful rest. Jim, the Manager, was very friendly and kind to us. He even sent us off with some very nice Canadian souvenirs.

Some of the characters who met us at the campsite had a remarkable likeness to some of our men runners.

Yorkton was our first stop of the day as we ran to the Gloria Hayden Community Centre. Taylor Morrison, Manager from Parks and Recreation, led us in to meet the children there.

Children and counselors receive our offerings of gratitude to the Community Centre for their participation in our event.

Emmanual Oduntan, a counselor here and originally from Nigeria, leads the children around the playground in a long Peace Train.

A great group of children and adults from the Hayden Community Centre helped make the start of our day very peaceful and rewarding.

The women also run in the afternoon after cooking a great lunch for the team. Each team takes turns cooking a meal when they are not on schedule to run.

Brahmata is still a long way from her home in Ottawa but she is going in the right direction as we slowly make our way there.

I think he finally found a way to carry the torch through the endless fields of flowering Canola plants.

Laura from the Waywayseecappo First Nations in Manitoba, stopped for our runners to offer her goodwill and support. She told us the meanings of some words in her native language of Ojibwe. Canada means 'village'. Saskatchewan means 'water dried up'. Manitoba means 'God sits'. A nice way to feel the peace and native culture of this great land.

We met some very kind people along the way today who took time to stop for us, share the torch and offer their support. Donnie owns a local roofing business.

Dave Matichuk, a volunteer for the Sunrise Health Foundation, stopped to offer his encouragement and support for two of our runners.

Dean, a local gentleman whose daughter is also a runner, stopped to offer us his goodwill, support and generosity.

Our last town of the day was Russell in Manitoba. We were greeted by a wonderful group of runners who led us with the torch around town.

Ray, with torch, Brent (in green) and Veronica stop with the team to show us some interesting sites in this local park.

Somehow this peace bicycle couldn't get going no matter how hard we pedalled. I gues we will stick to just running with the torch.

Tavishi from Australia is all smiles as we soon enter into our final month on this four month journey. She is one of three runners going the whole four months.

We offered them a little entertainment in the form of Peace Run and World Harmony Run songs composed by the Founder of the Peace Run, Sri Chinmoy.

Tim Hickey, (in orange) was also staying at the Russell Inn and was curious about our event. After a long talk with some of our runners he offered his wisdom and goodwill as he holds the torch here with Pavaka, our Canadian runner from Montreal. We are very grateful to all those who made an effort to offer their kindness and goodwill today as we make our way across friendly southern Canada.

Before finally getting some sleep, Puroga, our Hungarian runner going the whole four months who is also a avid eletronics enthusiast, shows us one of his recent creations he has been working on in his spare moments on the Peace Run. Since there are not too many spare moments he may not finish his project until he finally arrives home in August.