After running 72K - and yours truly getting lost and found again - we arrived at the little village of Grootegast in the nortern province of Groningen.

In Grootegast we also visited Nicolien de Kroon, who received a Torch-Bearer Award in 2014 for her amazing humanitarian work for children in war-struck area's.

She wrote a book about her experiences, a real page-turner! Nicolien closely worked together with the likes of Mikhail Gorbachov and Mother Teresa.

And shared her uplifting and inspiring stories with us. Plus she served us a fantastic and sumptuous lunch.

We left Nicoliens house full of new energy, inspiration and hope. We're so grateful for the great work she has done and continues to do for the good of mankind.

Our last stop of the day was in the town of Appingedam, in the most north-eastern part of the country.

Kees Bijholt (the man on the left) is also called "Mr. City Run Appingedam" as for the past 15 years he has been the organizer of a world-class and well-known 10K race that attracts a top field of elite athletes and has put Appingedam on the map as a dynamic and athletic city.

The weapon of Appingedam is a pelican that feeds its children with its own blood: a symbol of self-sacrifice.