Thank you to the Russell Inn who offered us discounted rooms last night, we really enjoyed the waterslide!

As we prepared to run from Russell, Manitoba this morning the rain was coming down at a steady pace and Purnakama bravely volunteered to be the first on the road.

Arpan put in a few more miles as friendly Manitoba locals looked on and offered encouragement and support.

In Rossburn, we were warmly greeted by dedicated members of the community. We gathered in Veterans Park to innagurate a new Peace Tree dedicated to the Peace Run and Canadian Veterans. All of the trees in Veterans Park are fruit trees, including this one, which is an apple tree. Rick Koklu is the President of the Legion in Rossburn.

Pictured here with us is Dianne (front row, centre) who is the Secretary of the Legion and also volunteers with the Lion's Club. Behind her is Gary. To her left is Karen, who is also with the Legion. Nancy (fifth from the left) represented the Lion's Club, she gave the team oranges and water bottles and told us a little bit about the important work that they do for the community and the world.

Martin Lambe (left) was responsible for having the tree planted and installing the plaque. Due to his extreme helpfulness, he actually ended up missing the ceremony! He drove out to the highway to greet our runners, but as the runners approached from a different direction, he ended up waiting there while the ceremony took place. Luckily, he caught up with a couple of our runners and Mayor Brown later and we were able to offer him a Certificate of Appreciation and take a photo in front of the newly planted tree. Thank you Martin!

Canola fields were abundant and we could not resist exploring them! (Did you know that the name "canola" is short form for "Canadian Oil"?)

Pavaka's parents, Suzanne and Norbert, joined us from St.Anne, Manitoba and were happy to hold the Peace Torch with their son.

We visited the Peace Tree in front of Clear Lake that was planted in 2014 during the Peace Run visit at that time.

This row of u-benches was also dedicated to the Peace Run in 2014. Some of our runners sat down to feel the peace for a moment.

George, from the Friends of Riding Mountain National Park held our torch and we offered him a painting by Sri Chinmoy to honour the work that they do for this beautiful National Park. He told us that they have a special focus on getting youth more involved in the outdoors so they do not suffer from "Nature Defecit Disorder".