The Peace Run motor home attracts a lot of attention wherever it goes, and the morning began with a number of locals expressing their support for the Run.

The first morning presentation was to children at the Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Center at Nokomis.

The team explained that the North American Peace Run is just one of many Peace Runs that are occurring all over the world.

The children enthusiastically listened to the Peace Run song and learned the words and actions to the World Harmony Run song.

Everyone tried being silent and focusing on the peace that we can find inside our own hearts. We imagined that this peace was spreading to everyone in the world.

A print of a painting by Sri Chinmoy entitled "Self-Transcendence" was also presented to the Center.

Later in the morning, the team ran through parklands alongside the famous Mississipi River. We met many supportive locals along the route.

The Center was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation. Brian Joyce, the Program Director, accepted the Certificate.

Valerie and Howasta. Howasta manages the Cafe inside the Center caled "Gatherings" that serves delicious and nutritious indigenous foods.