Pujari who had been running with us on the West coast and in Canada had warned us: Minnesota is amazingly beautiful and known for its ten thousand lakes. Well, as we ran this morning we were about to find out that this was no overstatement

The water is so translucent, Minnesota takes its name from the Sioux word meaning "sky-tinted waters".

And so we started the first miles along some of these saphire-blue lakes, and soon we discovered that the morning running is taken very seriously by the Minnesotans.

And behold, our pacer and guide this morning was none other than the long distance running legend Danny Ripka.

On the route we also met a the black lives matter gathering and needless to say they were thrilled to see us running by.

We met so many people who wanted to know everything about the Peace Run. Like Bill and Gordon who gave Pierre from France a big hug after what happenned in Nice.

Stota, Daulot's wife, who just celebrated her birthday also recently, drove one of the support vehicles as our group ran along the parks and river.

Believe it or not, as we were running by this bakery the owner spontanously invited us for a doughnut! If you pass by Minneapolis try the Melo Glaze bakery, they have great pastry and a big heart for sure.

Our other team met with some wonderful people in Hastings where they started their run. Break away Arts is a gallery that opened its door for our runners. Mecca, holding the torch with Christy, the General Manager, created this gallery to bring people from the community together and to express their creative talents.

The gallery encourages all forms of art and encourages senior citizens to express their creative talents as well.

Russ and Pat Hanson are friends of one of our hosts in Rochester, the Hoppe family, and were thrilled to make a wish for peace.