Off we go, meeting a few of the local young students from the school we visited last night. They are very keen to experience being a peace runner for a few kilometers.

Our new good friend, Åke Nyström who was organising our visit to Mora, is also a keen athlete we discover. He informed us of the many world famous sporting events that are held every year right here in Mora. Our eyes lit up with the sound of a 90km cross country skiing event in winter and then on the same course a running event through the forest in the summer, and a cycling event held in Mora. In the small town of 20,000 inhabitants, 16,000 competitors arrive every year and 200,000 visitors, it is a very impressive sporting town and we hope the Peace Run can visit again at the time of the big events.

Our friends, originally from Afghanistan, now living and studying in Mora are up early ready to run with us.

Zaki Soltani, 17 years old; Mahdi Hosseyni, also 17; and Javid Shahnawazi, 16 years old have been learning Swedish and studying in Mora for 2 years. They are from Afghanistan and are very bright and eager students. Fast runners too, we discover.

Good bye and thank you for a very warm greeting into Mora. It was a real pleasure to meet such a nice man as Åke, an excellent mentor to the young men and women who are making Mora their new peaceful home.

The Peace Run team need a rest after running 10km with these very fit guys. And they claim they are not runners.

Kamaneeya from Sweden has been with us for two days, translating and running some of the long distances we need to cover.

Hasan Louk is a very friendly and warm person. Being able to speak four languages, he translates for us.

Our final meeting of the day was in Alfta with these young men from Lyckebo House. They were mostly from Afghanistan, Syria, Eritrea and other parts of Africa.

This boy, Ali, is from Afganastan and is 17 years old. He ran about 3km with us, and was keen to run to the next town! His eagerness and enthusiastic embrace of the message of the run was a great inspiration! Thank you, Ali!