We were running to a very special meeting, with the beloved Swedish singer and actress, Lill-Babs, at her cafe and museum, Lill-Babs Caffar. Apparently everyone in Sweden knows who she is. She is greatly loved.

We gave our presentation to all the guests who gathered at the cafe. Many people have been fans of Lill-Babs for many years and love her dearly.

When Lill-Babs heard where we were headed, she pulled out her map to show us the fastest route. We wished she could join the team, she would make a great navigator!

"To all of you wonderful people of Peace Run, All my love and some more love. Hope to see you very soon. Good Luck and Peace. Yours, Lill-Babs"

Kamaniya is from Sweden and has known of Lill-Babs her whole life, she was thrilled to finally meet her!

Next we were treated to a special personal tour of the museum. Believe it or not, at the age of 78 Lill-Babs is still tirelessly traveling and performing, sharing her joy and enthusiasm with everyone she meets. She has also opened several schools in Kenya and Colombia.

We thought this was our final farewell, but as Shyamala was running some way down the road, Lill-Babs appeared out of nowhere, enthusiastically chatting and waving out of her car window, for a final goodbye! Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful ageless spirit of infectious happiness and dynamism with us all!!

We also sadly bade farewell to our local team member, Kamaniya. Many of us have spent time with Kamaniya in other countries, so it was really nice to see her in her own county...thank you for coming!