Two birthday boys enjoy breakfast at Victory's Banner restaurant which included a small birthday celebration for Siddhanta(left), who manages the Gratitude-Heart-Garden Flower shop across the street.

Jeff and Pradhan have been good friends with me(middle) for many decades and this oneness friendship has never faded. They have treated our whole team with real concern and generosity the whole time we have been in Chicago.

The womens team were on the road early today and were warmly met by representatives of the City of Whiting.

Narb Dudzik, the City Hall Events Coordinator held the torch in this photo.
Seargent John Sopo and Patrolman Andrew Delgardo from the Whiting Police Department (in uniforms) had escorted the team to the meeting place. Captain John Sotello (far left) also welcomed the team.

The womens team then ran towards East Chicago. A local police escort kept the running route clear and safe from traffic.

Mayor Anthony Copeland and our hard working local coordinator from Chicago, Mayinkanee Mary Landi, shared the torch along with a Certificate of Appreciation for such a warm welcome.

Mayor Copeland happily accepted a colorful painting on the theme of peace by Sri Chinmoy, founder of the Peace Run.

The womens team then attended a presentation at the Northwest Indiana YWCA in Gary. Children of different ages were waiting.

The children sang for the team which was greatly appreciated. They were also taught the World Harmony Run song, with its actions.

A print of Sri Chinmoy's artwork entitled "Love" was also given to the YWCA. To conclude, the team took the children for a short run around the gymnasium.

In New Buffalo we were warmly greeted by Mayor Lou O'Donnell(with torch) and Bob Spirito of the City Council.

Rob Anderson, City Manager(left) also came out to greet us and offer his goodwill and thoughts on peace in the community.

Natalie, DeeDee and Linda from the New Buffalo Times Newspaper as well some of their friends all came to meet us and share their feelings and thoughts on peace in the community.

This very attentive and understanding audience inspired our small team. The other team members were on the road running on other sections of today's course.

We are grateful to everyone who came out to share their peace with us including Deputy Clerk Mary Lynn(right).

Mary Lynn was happy to hold the torch outside with us as she was quite busy inside the office today.

On the way to Galien the weather became hotter as the blacktop also heated up for our afternoon runners.

Owners of the campground, Mark Dykstra and his family, prepared a sumptuous buffet meal for everyone.

They gave us their colorful shirts and in turn we offered our official Peace Run shirts to them. It was a rainbow of colors and smiles.

Kirstie and Mark Dykstra, owners and proprietors of the Fuller Resort and Campground, truly demonstrate their self-giving lives in the name of peace and friendship.

Dan and Cathy share the torch and their goodwill. They are longtime friends of the Dykstra family and now our good friends as well.

Crystal Lake is a popular site for the campers here at Fuller Resort and Campground. We enjoyed the Lake until sunset as nature was peacefully offering its beauty for a good night's rest. Thank you to our good friends, the Dykstra family, in this wonderful 'paradise' tucked away in Buchanan, Michigan.