How lucky were we this morning? A bridge crossing with 2 entire closed lanes made it a dream bridge crossing!

This beautiful family of swans were hanging out at our swimming spot. All was peaceful and serene until Harita started swimming a little too close and 'Daddy Swan' started to get a little protective! Some directions yelled from the beach sorted out a new swimming route and all was well :)

This man stopped working on his boat house and was out waiting by the side of the road as his sister had just met Shyamala running! She called down the road to tell him that a runner was on their way. Thank-you both for taking the time to hold our torch and make a wish for peace :)

Not only do we meet people on the road but also animals. I think the team wanted to adopt this loving dog.

We met with the Multicultural Society. They are an association of over 20 nationalities, celebrating our oneness as a humanity and the uniqueness of each ones culture.

After playing our usual country guessing game we decided we'd turn the tables and let us try to guess the nationalities of our multicultural audience!
It was challenging for us and a lot of fun! This is a father and daughter from Syria.

This Khazhak had been looking forward to speaking the shared language of Russian with our Moldovan runner.

A big thank you to Hans Ullberg, Chairman of the Multicultural Society who organised the ceremony and our dinner and accommodation. He worked so hard on this event and gave us such a very special welcome. We certainly won't forget Bjasta!

Our Syrian friends were so happy to meet us, and so was the whole Team to be greeted from people from many different countries.

Each runner was given different colored bracelets with the word 'Peace'. Rasmivan was given a very appropriate bracelet with the Swedish colours of blue and yellow.

Hans was presented with one of Sri Chinmoy's paintings entitled 'Oneness'. The town certainly reflects this oneness with the people coming together to welcome us.

Hans was so deserving of receiving a Peace Run t-shirt. A big thank you for looking after the Team and making us feel part of the community. It was such a treat for the team to get to spend some extra time with you all over dinner. The dynamics of the run keep us moving along quite rapidly so time with new friends is often too short. Thank-you all for coming and we hope you enjoyed your time with us as much as we did :-) Bjasta is a lovely community with such a welcome heart! The blend of nations here is a credit to your community spirit.

Thank you to the Chaplin Restaurant of Bjasta for hosting us and offering the meals at a big discount. We are most grateful: and extremely well fed ;)

The owner of Restaurant Kajen where we stayed the night played the keyharp. It is a 13th century traditional Swedish instrument and this one he made himself. We could have stood and listed to a whole set, but sadly he had to get back to serving tasty food and beverages & us to our busy after running schedules taking care of various duties!