The sky has been incredible every day! Nature's canvas of an ever changing stunning blue and white creation ( ok I admit to loving clouds!)

Today was a 'proper Sunday' on the Peace Run: just running and no meetings. Which allowed for a lunchtime break at the beach B-) We won't see another for a while so we took the opportunity to rest the torch and our legs by going for a swim! We were recommended this beach by some Swedish people we met at out accomodation last night - thank-you it lived up to expectations and was indeed a perfect beach :)

While the rest of us fed these 2 friendly horses waiting for Puruvaj to arrive. We enjoyed watching them share an end each of the grass we were feeding them!

Another awesome parking spot - you never know where you'll land up when you move 5km down the road to wait for a runner!

This house had a beautiful and affectionate cat as resident. Could easily have become another Peace Run pet.......

Is that the Peace Run van down there?? Our wanders from the car can get a little extended when there are exciting forests to explore!

We are quite a team of berry pickers. Some of us are new to this delight but not Neelabha - she always has blue hands and will return to the van with berries for others that didn't go and collect some that stop!!

It was a truly beautiful end to running in Sweden! We've been running on the road past forests and lakes every day so when our route ended on a dirt road through the forest it was a JOY :-) The peace around you was even deeper and the free feeling of the trails lightened the foot steps.

Thank you Sweden for so warmly welcoming the Peace Run. We have met with many beautiful people and as we head to Finland we carry your hopes and dreams of a peaceful world with us.
Our founder Sri Chinmoy wrote a song about Sweden. As we've ran through each of us can now fully identify with these lines within that song:
"...You are your teeming consciousness-lakes of soulfulness. Stillness within, stillness without: a life of perfection-fulness."