First thing in the morning we ran to the Southgate Downriver Family YMCA to meet the summmer camp children there.

Mayor Joseph Kuspa gave the Peace Run team a warm welcome and presented a signed Letter of Support. The letter reads - "The City of Southgate proudly supports the Oneness-Home Peace Run and their aspirations for a culture of friendship, oneness and peace."

Sanaz lead an exercise in focusing on the peace inside our hearts and imagining it spreading to everyone in the world.

Suhasini and one of the children posed for a fun photo. Thanks to everyone from the YMCA Southgate Downriver Family including Lisa and Stephanie, two of the Counsellors.

The team then ran to the Monroe Family YMCA and were greeted by Summer Camp children who had prepared many beautiful peace artworks.

Salil spoke about the North American Peace Run, which has now been underway for three months and one week. In three weeks time the Run with conclude in New York.

The Day Camp had organised a series of presentations, including a rivetting live theatre performance which we really appreciated. Each runner was greeted by a different masked child who said "peace" in other languages and they collectively formed the word "peace" with their bodies. The children were all very talented.

We also appreciated the beautiful singing performances. Tallula performed "Imagine". One of the lines was "Imagine all the people living life in peace."

As we sometimes do with young audiences, the team acted out peaceful and non-peaceful behaviours in playful skits.

Melinda, Ruxandra and Martin accepted a print of peaceful artwork by Sri Chinmoy as well as a Certificate of Appreciation as tokens of our gratitude.

The team then met with the Toledo Mayor's representative Carrie Hartman, outside the Government Centre building.

Carrie presented a Proclamation signed by The Mayor, Paula Hicks-Hudson, celebrating the 29th Anniversay of the Peace Run and encouraging all citizens of Toledo to participate in the Run in some way.

The musica group called The Gathering peformed very moving songs about peace. Group members included Sierra, Wes, Bernie, Susan, Claudia, Olivia and Carson.

Friends Jermone and Mary were part of the group that ran through the city with us. They have both participated in an impressive number of running races over the years, and continue to do so. It was very inspiring chatting to them!

The womens team met up with local runner Jessica who joined us for the last sweltering mile and a half leading up to our hotel.

It had been a very long day, and we were all grateful to sit down for a moment in the air-conditioned hotel foyer.

In the evening, Perrysberg locals Medhyata (front, second from right) and Steve (back row second from the left) Kramer, treated the team to a super-delicious Indian meal. For many years now, Steve and Medhyata have most generously provided us with an evening meal whenever the Peace Run has passed through Perrysberg.