We were greeted by the keeper of the front gate who was so excited that he could not help but run with the torch a few steps with us.

A local runner, Paola, was so delighted to hear about the Peace Run she and her husband ended up joining for some running.

The Oratory has a genuine 'Carillon', or bell tower which plays songs every half hour. There are only 11 Carillons in all of Canada. Anne was the expert Carillon player who allowed us to see the mechanical keys she plays on.

The original bells in this huge Carillon came from France in 1954. Anne played the Peace Run song on these amazing instruments as we sang it to our captivated audience outside.

Father Badeau was able to join us for the Peace Run song and ceremony outside the Carillon building.

In the gardens of the Oratory are beautiful and peaceful shrines. The Oratory and its grounds grew immensely in the first half of the 20th Century due to the spiritual inspiration and work of Brother Andre.

After a short tour we eventually had to leave this wonderful inspiring Cathedral for our next destination.

Ashadeep joined the team here in Montreal for our last week of running to our goal of New York City.

The children and counselors at the Y offered us a very special and innovative program. They invented new countries with names like Unicoria, Chinada, Minion Topia, and RPFI (Respect, Peaceful, Friend, Inclusive).Each country had their own sign and national song as well.

Barbora from Slovakia unfortunately has to leave us today after her cheerful participation for two weeks.

Program Coordinator Jonathan Kruidos very enthusiastically led the children around the field on a Peace Train journey.

Devaki, one of our coordinators in Montreal, arranged for our visit here. She offers Rabbi Grushcow our Peace Run song which we sang for her and the staff here.

Rabbi Grushcown offered us a very special message of peace and how her religion promotes peace and service to others. She quoted the Torah with a phrase 'Rodfei Shalom', which appropriately means to pursue peace.

We weree taken inside the Temple to see the sacred Torah scrolls protected by there beautiful silver containers.

We were greeted by Thomas Bastien, Executive Director of the Museum Foundation, and some of his staff.

Our next stop was at McGill University where we met at a Peace Tree planted there by the Peace Run in 2014.