The Peace Run is in Iceland for two days, on its way to Greenland for the first time! Today, as we were participating in a local race, we literally ran into newly elected President Guðni Th. Jóhannesson, who had also run in the race.
Sri Chinmoy heimseiningar friðarhlaupið er á Íslandi í tveggja daga stoppi áður en haldið er til Grænlands. Í dag tókum við þátt í Hjartadagshlaupinu og rákumst á Forseta Íslands, Guðna Th. Jóhannesson.

The President led the Peace Runners and all the runners from the race on loop around the track for peace.
Forsetinn var í fararbroddi er við hlupum hring á brautinni fyrir frið.

The President and Sarvodaya together. They ran neck to neck to finish the race.
Forsetinn ásamt Sarvodaya, en þeir hlupu hlið við hlið yfir endalínuna.