Our last day of the European Peace Run 2016. What better place than to start at the most famous road in the world: Via Appia Antica!

Further into the city we met more runners and Valerio Bevacqua with some refugees hosted by Associazione Baobab.

Meeting with Ms. Tegla Loroupe, long distance runner champion and a global spokeswoman for peace, women's rights and education.
She holds the world records for 20, 25 and 30 kilometres and previously held the world marathon record. She is the three-time World Half-Marathon champion. Loroupe was also the first woman from Africa to win the New York City Marathon, which she has won twice. She has won the Rome Marathon. In 2016 she was the person organising the Refugee Team for the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio

At sunrise our team of volunteers designed the silhouette of the word "PEACE" to be later on filled up by children.

Thousands of colorful Peace Drawings from children we met during our Italian run in Ostuni, Bari, Pompei, Napoli, Caserta, Cassino and Rome where displayed around the Colosseum.

And the final result from above...the silhouette of the word "PEACE" created by children as a part of the Peace activities of the event.

Famous actor Enzo Decaro, master of ceremony of the event invite the audience and participants to observe a minute of inner silence dedicate to Peace.

Enzo Decaro introduces Dipavajan Renner Coordinator of Europen Peace Run Team, after having read the welcome message of the Presidente del Senato on. Pietro Grasso.

Ms. Tegla Loroupe pass the torch to refugees athlets Khadar, Moussa and Daniel, incoraging them to speak about their wishes for a better future.

Ms. Tegla Loroupe and diplomatic members including Ms. Harriet M. Nduma, Incaricata d’Affari of Kenya Ambassy in Rome.

H.E. Juan Mesa Zuleta, Ambassador of Colombia in Rome. We are glad to host the highest representant of Columbia on the same day the Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided to award the Nobel Peace Prize for 2016 to Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos for his resolute efforts to bring the country's more than 50-year-long civil war to an end, a war that has cost the lives of at least 220 000 Colombians and displaced close to six million people.

Mr. Salil Wilson President of Peace Run International speaks about the history and the mission of PeaceRun.

The master of ceremony, the famous italian actor Mr. Enzo Decaro, invited all children with the colombian flags to join the diplomats with the motto: "Today the colombian flag is the the Peace flag, today we are all colombians!".

Ms. Tegla Loroupe receiving the Peace Run Award Italia created by artist Davide Foschi from the hands of Ms. Harriet M. Nduma, Incaricata d’Affari of Kenya Embassy.

Alfredo De Joannon president of Peace Run Italy introduces Ms. Tegla Loroupe as the recipient of the Peace Run Award Italia.

Ms. Harriet M. Nduma, Incaricata d’Affari of Kenya Embassy share with the audience her appreciation for Ms. Tegla Loroupe with a truly heartfelt speech.

The students of Istituto Morano of Caivano singing Peace songs under the direction of Professor Marchetta.

Velka-Sai performing the song "A New World Of Peace" composed by the founder of the Peace Run Sri Chinmoy, followed by Pachamama song in honor of Mother Earth.

The School I.C. Via Cassia km 18,700 joined the ceremony with a marvellous choir of children "Kol Rinà - Voci di Gioia".

Goodbye Rome we sure will be back!!!
A special thanks to: Enzo Decaro Velka-Sai Davide Foschi Narmada and Hutashan Heer Ass. Libera Ass. Baobab ASD Podistica Solidarietà GS Bancari Romani Ass. Mandir della Pace Luciano Trauzzola and Protezione Civile ARVALIA Comune di Roma Polizia Locale Carabinieri Polizia