In preparation for the first Peace Run in Indonesia we assembled at the Solo Youth Center located in the grounds of the main sports stadium in Solo.

RAy. Febri Dipokusumo, Peace Run Coordinator for Indonesia, spoke to the media about the Peace Run in Solo.

Executive Director, Salil Wilson also told the media how grateful we were to be in Solo and how much inspiration the Peace Run founder, Sri Chinmoy, took from Indonesia as a country which exemplifies unity and harmonious living embracing different religions, cultures and races.

We sang the song Peace Run founder, Sri Chinmoy, wrote for Indonesia.
Here are the words:
Indonesia, Indonesia, Indonesia!
Softness, sweetness, oneness-ambrosia.
You are the golden link between two continents: Asia, Australia.
Your matchless pride: Java, Bali, Sumatra, Jakarta.
You are your mountain-heights. You are your volcano-power.
Islam, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, all faiths
Have built a oneness-tower.

We all introduced our countries. We had representatives from Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Finland, France, Guatemala, Indonesia, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Spain, Singapore, Switzerland, United Kingdom and USA.

We were honored to present the torch to Vice-Mayor Dr. H. Achmad Purnomo on behalf of the City of Solo.

We had a moment of silence in Indonesia's founding President's bedroom. President Sukarno is regarded as the father of the nation.