We are very grateful to Wendy and other organizers of the Rotary Club 5K Run in Griffith Park, Los Angeles, California. Many Rotary Club members, including Rotary Peace Fellows, took part in today's events. The Rotary Peace Fellows are social change leaders who are chosen for their ability to have a significant positive impact on world peace.

The Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team members get together after the colorful run. Notice the rainbow colored shirts. During the fun run some of the race helpers sprayed our shirts with colorful powder, an ancient tradition originating in India and Nepal celebrating the unique and colorful diversity of society necessary for peace and positive change.

Many groups connected to the local Rotary Clubs enjoyed the scenic course and enthusiasically shared the Peace Torch after the race.

Husbands and wives, children and parents all took part in the spirit of service and peace, two important aspects of the Rotary Club ideology.

The ethnic diversity of the participants added a wonderful sense of world-oneness to this special event.

Some shirts were quite colorful as most of the runners were the targets of the enthusiasitic helpers who offered their sponteous artwork to this event.

A happy family all join in on celebrating Peace today. Even the very youngest participants seemed to understand enjoy the significance of today's events.

Everyone wanted to have their photos taken with the Peace Torch after finishing this interesting and colorful 5K.

One of our team members from the Los Angeles area, Utpara, is happy that this event took place relatively close to home.

We end our presentation by singing the World Harmony Run song composed by the Founder of the Peace Run, Sri Chinmoy. We are extremely grateful to the Rotary Club for inviting us to participate in this wonderful event. Their philosophy of 'service above self' is very admirable and fits in with our efforts as well. They have been supporting research for Polio eradication for decades and their Peace Centers program develops leaders who become catalysts for peace and conflict prevention and resolution in their communities and around the globe.