To start the day we went to the Sequoia Elementary School and waited for the signal to run into an auditorium full of 200 enthusiastic children, teachers and parents as well.

We had a warm welcome at the entrance by Principal Ryan Kissel, holding the Peace Torch with Salil Wilson, Executive Director of the Peace Run.

Their creativity on the theme of peace was posted beautifully everywhere, making us feel right at home.

The younger children performed a very impressive and talented rendition of the popular children's story, 'Stone Soup'.

The soldiers gathered the townsfolk around the big pot of boiling water to make a delicious soup for everyone to enjoy.

The very talented play troupe gets to pass the Peace Torch after their wonderful performance of 'Stone Soup'.

Cathy Oerter offers the children medals for their creative artwork and poetry with the theme, 'Visions of A Peaceful World'.

All the award winners with Cathy Oerter. This creative arts program was inspired by her late husband, Al Oerter, a four time Gold Medalist in four separate Olympic Games who also, as a great artist, inspired athletes to express their artistic talents as well.

Fifth Grade teacher, Mr. Roy, enjoyed holding the Peace Torch for the children to touch and offer a good thought or make a wish for peace.

We ended our wonderful event forming a giant peace sign with the children and staff members out in the playground.

This is one of the favorite events in our program. The children finally have a chance to run for Peace with the Peace Torch and flags.

The hall was filled with aout 200 students and staff members well prepared and excited to meet with us.

Principal Elizabeth Ballard participated with the children in singing the song, 'The World Is A Rainbow.'

We offered our program as usual which included our introduction game, Peace song, and awards for the children's creativity.

We were also quite fortunate in having Stephen Groce, Town Councilman of Clairemont and member of the Human Relations Committee. He kindly offered his profound words on peace and its importance and relevance in the community.

The whole school took part in our World Harmony Song including actions to the words written by Sri Chinmoy, Founder of the Peace Run.

Cathy and Papaha with six medalists for the visual arts and writing contest called 'Visions of a Peaceful World.'

Principal Ballard accepts a colorful painting by Sri Chinmoy from Prakhara, our Public Relations Director.

We get to enjoy some of the colorful artwork as we make our way outside to join the children in passing the Peace Torch.

Manorath, one of our main local coordinators, carries our official Peace Run flag as he gets a chance to enjoy the run outside with the children.

We made a big circle and passed the torch around for the children to make wishes for peace and harmony.

Some children find it hard to let go of the torch and pass it on. Maybe he was just making a long wish.

Councilman Stephen Groce offers his sincere smile and joy at coming to Cadman Elementary to share the creative energy and peace with the children. We are very grateful to him for his support and encouragement.

We had to keep reminding the children to slow down. Once they held the torch it was so natural for them to feel the energy and pick up the pace.

Our last school for the day was the CPMA, Creative, Performing and Media Arts School with about 1,000 students.

We had a warm welcome as we ran into the schoolyard and then we were joined by some of the students for a lap around the parking lot.

As we entered the large auditorium we were welcomed by a very large and rhythmical djembe drum group.

Runners took turns carrying the Torch around the large hall and spelling the word peace on the stage as the last runner, Principal Scott Thomason, proudly holds the Peace Torch with the children.

Our exercise on feeling peace in the heart always seems to get the students involved in experiencing peace within themselves.