Getting ready for our run into the first school, Euclid Elementary, we had to prepare the Peace Torch and sort out the country flags.

We ran a few miles from the Jyoti Bihanga Restaurant parking lot to Euclid on a nice sunny morning along the local streets and sidewalks.

With an international team of runners carrying various country flags along with the Peace Torch it was quite an impressive sight.

We were met by Jose Valdez, former Vice Principal here, and a group of children eagerly waiting to run into the playground with us.

The children started the program by showing us their artwork that was chosen in the 'A Vision of A Peaceful World' contest. Principal Ana Biffle holds up one lovely painting by this young student.

The compositions were very creative and expressed a theme of peace with a variety of beauty and colors.

All the medal winners lined up for a photo with Jose, Principal Biffle and Cathy Oerter, who developed this program

We introduced our international team by having the children guess which country or state we were from.

The school receives a Certificationof Appreciation for their outstanding participation in the Peace Run, as well as a colorful painting by Sri Chinmoy, the Founder of the Peace Run.

The teachers passed the Torch to each other and then did a lap around the playground to the delight of all the children.

Principal Dave Downey was so kind to introduce us to the 200 children present to share this experience with us.

Some of the students expressed their sincere and heartfelt feelings about how they would change the world to make it more peaceful.

After the event at the Wilson School we ran with a group of runners from the next school, Hoover High School.

They all ran a lap around the track at the stadium where over 360 students were eagerly awaiting our arrival.

Michael Heu, teacher and coordinator for this event, introduced the Peace Run to the large audience of young adults.

Cathy Oerter introduces the 'A Vision of A Peaceful World' creativity contest. The contest was founded by her from the inspiration of her late husband and four time Gold Medalist in the discus, Al Oerter. Al felt that it was very important for students and athletes alike to express their artistic tendencies and share them with the world at large to establish a solid peace and oneness among all people.

We demonstrated a little of limited talent in singing our official Peace Run song, written by the Founder of the Peace Run, Sri Chinmoy

The students and teachers had a chance to pass the Peace Torch and offer their goodwill and wishes for peace in the world.

After a few hours break at the Hoover High School, there was a reception for some of the Administrators and teachers who helped us to organize and implement the 12 school Peace Run events in the past four days. Salil Wilson, Executive Director of the Peace Run addresses the stellar crowd.

Some of the Peace Runners were delighted to share the Torch with Superintendent of Schools, Cindy Marten, holding the Peace Torch, and a few of the staff who supported the events.

Dr. Michael McQuary from the Board of Trustees in the Board of education for the San Diego Unidied School District happily shares the Peace Torch with Russ Sperling, Director of VAPA, .Visual and Performing Arts'. Their cooperation and inspiration helped to launch this wonderful program with the schools here.

After the successful reception, a wonderful Final Ceremony took place at Herbert Hoover High School.

Musicians and dancers from some of the schools we visited were kind enough to come entertain us once more.

Parents and families enjoyed the entertainment and soulful creativity in the name of peace and oneness.

Cathy Oerter, Peace Run, and Russ Sperling, Director of V.A.P.A.(Visual Arts and Performing Arts), were the excellent Masters of Ceremonies for the many children, teachers, administrators and parents who attended this culminating event of the Peace Run in San Diego.

Russ Perling offers a heartfelt introduction and account of the organization of these school events with the VAPA organization. In the background is the winning overall painting by a student from Wilson Middle school.

Beautiful sign made by the children with the title of the visual arts and written word contest intiatied by Cathy Oerter.

The Peace Runners from various countries offer the official Peace Run song written by Sri Chinmoy, Founder of the Peace Run. The first Peace Run took place 30 years ago worldwide.

Cathy Oerter introduces some of the guests involved in sports and Olympics. Tracy Sundlin is a friend of Cathy who organizes sporting events.

Mac Wilkins, Gold and Silver Medalist in discus in various Olympic Games, addresses the audience with an inspirational talk about achieving higher goals.

Mac Wilkens, Cathy Oerter, Councilman Stephen Groce and Tracy Sundlin share the Peace Torch. We are so grateful to all those who came from many backgrounds and long distances to share in this Peace Run program with the City of San Diego and the Unified School District.

Ryan Kissel, Principal of Sequoia Elementary School, proudly stands with some of the children from the art contest.

Cindy Marten(right), School Superintendent who was largely responsible for making this city-wide event happen, proudly shares the Torch with Caroline King, one of the hard working organizers from V.A.P.A.

Salil Wilson, Executive Director of the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace greets guests with one hand and films the event with the other. His videos are very inspirational and cover many Peace Runs from all over the world.

City Councilwoman, Georgette Gomez, blessed us with her inspirational presence, sharing the Peace Torch here with Cathy Oerter.

Cathy Oerter introduces more winners in the art and spoken word contest on the theme of 'A Vision of A Peaceful World'.

Children, young and older, were very kind to share with us some of their essays, poetry and artwork.

Dancers from the SCPA(School of Creative Performing Arts) offer an incredibly talented dance for the captivated audience.

A group of Peace Runners offer an arrangement of Peace songs written by the Founder of the Peace Run, Sri Chinmoy.

Councilman Stephen Groce who is also the Chair of the Human Relations Commission, introduces Addison Hagel, who wrote a poem called , 'I Am Only A Child', one of his favorites among the young poets.

Proud parents of Addison(Addie) Hagle. This nine year old expressed some very meaningful and deep sentiments about world peace.

Superintendent Cindy Marten is all smiles after offering the first place award to Michelle for her representational painting behind them.

Cindy and her son who was delighted to come and support his mom and the extraordinary event she helped to facilitate.

There were hundreds of wonderful artworks on the theme of peace displayed here. It was very difficult to judge them as they all had unique and beautiful creative and colorful themes.

Michelle, Overall winner of the art contest, shares the torch with her mom and friend of the family.

Passing the Peace Torch around after the program many people wished to offer their goodwill as we pass the Peace from hand to hand and heart to heart.

Bhiksuni Weisbrot(left), holds the Peace Torch with Prakhara Harter, one of the main coordinators of these Peace Run events in San Diego. She worked along with others for many weeks with the people here in San Diego to share the creativity and peace with thousands of students and adults as well. Elizabeth Lara, a Poet from New York who helped to organize a poetry event here along with Bhiksuni, cheerfully enjoyed the wonderful event today with her two friends.

Helping on cleanup after the program, Peace runner and organizer Devendra (left), shares the Peace torch with Kundana who traveled from San Francisco to help out and to enjoy the activities.

Principal Walter Farley of the Hoover High School was thrilled to host such an inspirational and meaningful event here today. We are very grateful to the Hoover High School staff and children who hosted two events here today. Along with the other schools in the San Diego Unified School District, the four days of events reached over 7,000 children and adults alike to think about peace, create peace and share peace in the spirit of friendship and oneness.