The team arrived at the Mexican border early in the morning, ready for our next Peace Run adventure.

Pujari is fluent in Spanish, which comes in handy for the ceremonies here in Mexico. Here he is demonstrating the universal language: the language of the heart.

This student sang a wonderful rendition of the famous Mexican song "Cielito Lindo" over the loud cheers of his classmates.

Director Pastor Vallejo is presented with one of Sri Chinmoy's World-Harmony paintings to put up at the school.

We had them guess which countries we are all from. Brahmata tries to refresh her high school Spanish.

We sang the Peace Run song after they guessed all of the countries correctly- they were very smart kids.

We enjoyed a performance by the boys called Danza de los Viejitos (Dance of the Old Men), a folk dance from Michoacán.

Lunch time! We tried the vegetarian quesadillas at a local stand and rehydrated with some delicious horchata, a Mexican drink made with rice and cinnamon.