Today we headed to the North Shore to do some running and meet some locals.
First stop was for coconuts! This friendly couple had a stall on the side of the road selling coconuts they picked only 30 minutes earlier!

Many people came out to see the waves, no one was allowed near the water! We discovered that most people we met either moved to Hawaii or were on holiday from mainland America. It seems that no one who moved here has any regrets ;)

In the evening we visited Sister Joan Chatfield who invited us to her presentation at Unity Church last Sunday. She first met Sri Chinmoy when he came to Hawaii in 1982, and has been a good friend to all of us ever since. She was wearing the Torch Bearer Award the the Peace Run presented her with in 2012. She is a Mary Knoll Sister, and has led an incredible life of dynamic groundbreaking service to humanity in many different ways. She is in her eighties and still has the energy and enthusiasm of a 20 year old!