A big thank you to the Kauai Marriott Resort for providing our team with accommodation for the night. The resort is stunningly beautiful and we wished we could stay for longer!

We hit the road early to catch the sunrise. Unfortunately as you can see our angle was a little off for seeing it come out of the ocean, but it was still beautiful.

We drove to the top of Waimea Canyon State Park to enjoy the view and take some pictures, before running down to the ocean.

The last stretch towards the ocean before heading to the airport. We all agreed to come back and see more of the charming Island of Kauai...and more of Hawaii!!
All our gratitude to the Nature, People, Heart and Soul of Hawaii for a richly inspiring, illuminating, nourishing and blessed experience. We hope to return soon!
Mahalo Hawaii!!!
The heart's peace-run
Has neither a starting point
Nor a finish line.
-Sri Chinmoy