Today we celebrated the Launch of the 2017 European Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run in Galway, Ireland. This year marks the 30th anniversary of the Peace Run. We comence the celebration with a ceremonial walk from the Spanish Arch to Eyre Square in Galway.

School Children from St. Patrick's national school are ready for the march with their Peace Run banner.

Claddagh national school are out in full force and their renowned marching band sets the rythm and music for the march.

The Claddagh school band has every instrument from snare drums to accordians, guitars to glockenspiels.

Jason Craughwell from the Galway Sports Partnership commences the ceremony by welcoming the City Mayor and all the participants.

Mayor of Galway City Cllr. Noel Larkin addreses the audience and speaks about the renowned culture of friendliness and rich diversity and that the city embodies.

We are very fortunate to have three of Glaways finest muscians perform. Chis Kelly, director of 'Trad on the Prom' on Guitar, Yvonne Fahy multi instrumentalist of the world renowned Fahy family plays the northumbrian pipes and Mairin from the newly formed 'back west' on the Fiddle.

Yvonne Fahy is presented with a certificate of appriciation. Yvonne composed a very special piece of music which is performed for the very first time at the Peace Run Ceremony. Everyone thoroughly enjoys the remarkable piece of music which will no doubt become a great Celtic anthem.

Next we have poetry by Nathan, Awab and Rosilita from St. Patricks national school and Oisin and Scott from Scoil Chroi Iosa. Nathan and Scott composed two wonderful poems for the occasion. Definitely great poets in the making.

Having reached our stopping point for the night at Tullamore we are treated to an exquisite meal at Siroccos Italian restaurant.